Staffing Software Implementation is the Key to Success!


July 22, 2014


When it comes to tools that are essential to a staffing company’s success, staffing software is at the top of the list. Staffing software is something that every person in the organization uses in their day to day operations and the implementation of this tool is just as critical as the process of finding the right solution for your company.

All too often staffing firms do not take into account the implementation, training, and data migration process when selecting a staffing software vendor. Such firms end up paying the price down the road. Choosing the right staffing software company to partner with is essential for a smooth and successful implementation.

Purchasing and implementing new staffing software is one of the largest investments a staffing company will make. In order to ensure an effective and efficient transition to your new staffing software solution, you should be assigned a pre-implementation specialist to assist you with this. This person will guarantee that all deadlines and expectations are met so that you won’t miss a targeted “go live” date.

Proper project planning and scheduling is imperative to any successful execution of a new staffing software solution. A series of short meetings should be used to stay on top of any tasks and is best to keep realistic expectations of what is needed. These planning meetings are great to help determine how you want the software to be utilized at your firm and what data you want to be migrated.

The data migration from one staffing software system to another is a key component in the implementation process. This is where it pays off to work with a company that has a specialized team to help analyze your data and make sure it is all allocated to the correct fields. The information and data you’ve accumulated throughout the years needs to be available to you and your staff at all times. With the right experience and expertise, a smooth staffing software data migration will warrant that you and your team will not skip a beat.

To make the best out of the company’s new staffing software tool, hands-on training will help a staffing operation become more profitable by knowing the product thoroughly. Through guided staffing software training, a firm’s employees can learn through real life examples. This is highly recommended to be done in-person so an instructor can have a better understanding from your team as to what material they are grasping and what might need a little more attention. Without face-to-face training, interaction and attention is known to decrease. Staffing team training should not get interrupted by daily tasks, which reduces the quality of the overall staffing software training experience.

Proper staffing software implementation is a large factor to the overall success of a staffing company getting the most out of the investment they are making. Without having an experienced project manager, thorough data migration, and the right training, it is hard to ensure this is done to the fullest extent. Accurate software execution backed by exceptional ongoing staffing software support guarantees that staffing software will help get your firm to the level of revenue that you’ve always envisioned.

Learn The Elements to the Best Staffing Software Solution

Download your free copy of our Checklist to Evaluating Staffing Software to learn what to look for in the best staffing software solution.

Staffing Software Checklist

Photo Credit: Darc

Author: Jacob Wilson is an Account Manager at Automated Business Designs, Inc., software developer of Ultra-Staff staffing software for the staffing and direct hire industry. Ultra-Staff is a full-featured business solution with components for Front Office, Back Office, Mobile and Web Suite. For more information on Ultra-Staff, take the first step with a Discovery Meeting!