Maintaining Your Database


August 4, 2010

Our firm just acquired another company including their database. Much of the information is dated. What is the best way to maintain a database? There are many ways to effectively accomplish this. First, when your people make phone calls, have them ask questions about the company, including confirmation of employees, phone #’s, email addresses, etc. … Continued

Setting Up Alerts via Text/Online


June 7, 2010

I have many candidates that want to be alerted about jobs through social networking sites like Twitter® or text messaging. Is there an easy way to do this from staffing software? Some staffing software vendors are offering tools within the application for job posting to social networking sites. Some sites require that you have an … Continued

Advice on Purchasing New Software


April 22, 2010

I want new software. What planning should I do? First, analyze and define your needs clearly. Next, ask software vendors to demonstrate how their software product addresses those specific needs. Once you make a software decision, make a plan depicting how the software will be used within the organization. Define new processes for each department … Continued

Make Every Minute Count!

By Terri Roeslmeier

March 20, 2010

Everyone is “recessioned out”, but efficiency will put time and money back on your side. Put a plan into place that will help you regain control of time. First, it is important for everyone on your team to know your product. That means really know your product. It is said that 80% of business success … Continued

The Benefits of Staffing Software


March 4, 2010

How can staffing software help me save time? Utilizing a staffing software solution that offers features for every scope of your business can save time and improve customer service. A staffing software solution that is fully integrated for front office, back office, social networking, job boards, email, auto-phone dialing, text messaging and your website will … Continued

Marketing Trends


January 2, 2010

What is the current trend for marketing utilizing an automated system? Firms are using their staffing software to integrate with job boards and social networking sites. Marketing has always been instrumental in making placements, however never has there been such potential within staffing software to help with this. Marketing efforts are greatly expanded with the … Continued

The Social Networking Explosion

By Terri Roeslmeier

November 29, 2009

It is reported that Facebook® has over 300 million active users, 50% of which log on to Facebook® on any given day. The fastest-growing demographic is those 35 years and older. Millions of people use Twitter® to connect with others, which promotes itself as a “simple way to connect with people.” LinkedIn® has over 50 … Continued

Integrating Social Media with your Software


November 3, 2009

Is it possible to integrate social networking sites with my software? Absolutely. One simple way is to link to a social networking site by clicking on a social networking field on your software screen. This will take you directly to the social networking site for research on a particular client or candidate. Another popular integration … Continued

Server Security


September 16, 2009

All of my data is being hosted on the same server as other businesses. How do I know my data is safe? When your data is out of your control you are relying on your provider to keep your data safe and secure. Choosing hosting means that you will need to trust that your provider … Continued

Keep on Top of Recovery Projects


May 30, 2009

I would like to keep on top of recovery projects in my state. Any ideas on how to utilize my staffing software for this? One way is to add firms that have been awarded project business. There is a reasonable chance that these firms may present opportunities for staffing in order to fulfill their contract … Continued