Searching for New Business? 5 Unique Client Searches to be Thankful For in Your ATS

By Jennifer Roeslmeier Mikels

November 20, 2024

Searching for new business can be time consuming, yet it is essential for business growth. Did you know you can take advantage of several searches in your ATS to find prospective clients?  By taking advantage of these 5 unique searches in your ATS, you can discover new customers and re-engage with former customers. This thanksgiving … Continued

5 Reasons Why You Didn’t Close the Deal

By Bob Pettke

October 24, 2023

Every salesperson has been at that point where they “didn’t close the deal.”  Perhaps the prospective customer went with a competitor instead or they decided to keep doing what they are currently doing. Why didn’t they move forward with your services or solution?  This is the million-dollar question that a salesperson asks themselves after losing … Continued

Learning Sales Techniques from a 7-Year-Old

By Chris Dousmanis

December 8, 2021

I am learning a lot from my 7-year-old and not just the routine stuff like how to get red crayon stains out of an entire load of laundry. Some of it pertains to sales techniques. How do people process new information? What extrapolations do they make? What erroneous assumptions do they make that seems perfectly … Continued

Using Your Staffing Software to Jumpstart Your 2014 Sales


January 27, 2014

Now that the New Year has arrived, sales professionals need to develop a clear sales strategy and plan for the upcoming year. First, analyze sales for the prior year. Who were your top customers? Where did new sales leads come from? What sales trends can be noted? What product line was a high performer? Your … Continued

Cold Calling 101: Tips for Staffing and Recruiting Professionals


June 6, 2012

For those of us who cold call, getting past the gatekeeper and reaching the decision maker is the first task. Gatekeepers are like security guards: it is their job is to protect the decision maker from your reach. How well you do in this regard is the key to your results.

No Rest for the Weary

By Terri Roeslmeier

June 15, 2010

It’s true that the economy has loosened up a bit and most staffing and direct hire companies are not feeling quite as tightly squeezed as earlier in the year. As the atmosphere improves, however, be watchful of going back to old bad habits. There are always bright signs to a bad economy. We realize who … Continued

Make Every Minute Count!

By Terri Roeslmeier

March 20, 2010

Everyone is “recessioned out”, but efficiency will put time and money back on your side. Put a plan into place that will help you regain control of time. First, it is important for everyone on your team to know your product. That means really know your product. It is said that 80% of business success … Continued