How Your Staffing Software Solution Wins Candidates’ Trust

By Terri Roeslmeier

April 7, 2016

Candidates have a choice about which staffing firm represents them. Every touch point with your company does one of two things: convinces candidates to trust you or to move their search elsewhere. Your recruiters are obviously part of that equation, but what about your staffing software solution? You better believe it. When the staffing experience … Continued

Power Marketing with your ATS!

By Natalie Chrapla

June 23, 2015

A day in the life of a recruiter can be quite hectic. There are many responsibilities that need to be addressed and staying on top of them is crucial. You want to be successful as an individual recruiter, but the success of the staffing company as a whole is important too. Don’t lose top talent … Continued

5 Reasons Why Strong CRM Software is Essential for Staffing Firms

By Terri Roeslmeier

February 3, 2015

Imagine arriving at the office early one morning and just as you’re settling down at your desk, your manager waltzes into your office with a question. “Are our customers happy?” “Um…I think they are,” you reply sheepishly. “How do you know?” Awkward silence…. How do you know?

Strategies to Make You a Staffing Industry Leader!

By Natalie Chrapla

January 12, 2015

Now that it’s well into 2015 I hope most of you are still sticking with your resolutions whatever they may be. I am sure many of you have read that the staffing industry is going through some changes. These changes will either make or break staffing firms. It is no longer an employer driven market, … Continued

Another Successful Year at the Midwest Staffing Conference

By Natalie Chrapla

May 9, 2014

 As a Platinum Sponsor of the Midwest Staffing Conference last week, Automated Business Designs had a terrific opportunity to share information about Ultra-Staff Staffing Software. The event was hosted by the Illinois Search & Staffing Association (ISSA) and the Wisconsin Association of Staffing Services (WAAS) and took place in downtown Chicago. The event was attended … Continued

Get Mobile with Your Staffing Software!


April 9, 2014

With today’s increasing trend of mobile device use in the workforce, it is becoming imperative that recruiters have access to their staffing software’s data at any time and from anywhere. The staffing and recruiting industry is always “on the go” which is why mobile recruiting has been the talk of the town for quite a … Continued

Using Your Staffing Software to Streamline Operations


February 25, 2014

Staffing companies want to leverage their efforts when it comes to client service, and your staffing software solution can help if properly deployed. Do you have an online application easily visible on your website? Applicants can be processed directly into your software 24-hours a day, and streamline your application intake process. The onboarding function of … Continued

What Should Staffing Software Do for You?

By Terri Roeslmeier

April 8, 2013

Has your staffing software been a major disappointment? Is it costing you more time and money than it makes for you? Ever wonder what the problem could be? You did the research, compared products and thought you selected the best software for your needs. How did the project go south? First, do you know your … Continued

Let’s Go Mobile!

By Terri Roeslmeier

October 25, 2012

Recruit using a cell phone?  Why not?  We seem to do everything else on our mobile devices.  From groceries, to directions, downloading music, checking our bank account, emailing, texting, checking weather, checking time (who needs a watch) and sometimes we even talk on the cell.  The bottom-line is that information is important and getting information … Continued

How Staffing Agencies Can Avoid the Notorious ATS Black Hole


October 15, 2012

The dreaded ATS black hole. We have all experienced it more than we would like to admit at one point or another. Candidates fear that their resumes and information will get lost among the thousands of entries in the database, and recruiters claim that they can never find anybody with their systems. With thousands and … Continued