The Magic of Brick & Mortar Recruiting

By Terri Roeslmeier

June 5, 2019

Technology is here to stay and makes more possible, but let’s not forget the value traditional recruiting methods provide.  I am a huge on-line shopper.  Sometimes I do not visit a department store for months. I really hate shopping anyway and who has time? Why would anyone want to fight for a parking spot, stand … Continued

Talent Management: Managing your Greatest Assets with Staffing Software

By Sarah Styer

August 10, 2015

Talent Management, a term developed in a 1997 study by McKinsey & Company, is the process of recruiting, retaining, and developing skilled employees. People are a Staffing Company’s greatest asset. Having a pool of qualified applicants ready to work is invaluable. An online recruitment management system is an integral first step in finding and assessing a large pool … Continued

Power Marketing with your ATS!

By Natalie Chrapla

June 23, 2015

A day in the life of a recruiter can be quite hectic. There are many responsibilities that need to be addressed and staying on top of them is crucial. You want to be successful as an individual recruiter, but the success of the staffing company as a whole is important too. Don’t lose top talent … Continued

How Staffing Agencies Can Avoid the Notorious ATS Black Hole


October 15, 2012

The dreaded ATS black hole. We have all experienced it more than we would like to admit at one point or another. Candidates fear that their resumes and information will get lost among the thousands of entries in the database, and recruiters claim that they can never find anybody with their systems. With thousands and … Continued

How to Ensure Candidates Don’t Get Lost in Your Database


February 3, 2012

I just found an applicant in my database that I could have placed a month ago? How can I make sure candidates do not get lost in my database? There is nothing more frustrating than losing opportunities that you could have won. In order to minimize this lost business make sure that you can find … Continued