Automated Business Designs & Text-Em-All Release Job Accept Integration

By Jennifer Roeslmeier Mikels

November 3, 2020

Staffing industry partners release new integration that allows candidates to accept job offers right from within a text message. Automated Business Designs partnered with Text-Em-All to develop a unique Job Accept Texting Integration within Ultra-Staff EDGE staffing software. All users of Ultra-Staff EDGE and Text-Em-All will now be able to text job offers to candidates … Continued

Automated Business Designs, Developers of Ultra-Staff <i>EDGE</i> Staffing Software, Launches New Website

By Jennifer Roeslmeier Mikels

November 2, 2020

CHICAGO, IL – Automated Business Designs (ABD) launched a brand-new website on Thursday, October 8th, 2020.  The redesigned look and feel resembles the modern, cutting-edge characteristics of their product, Ultra-Staff EDGE. The website showcases the full suite of Ultra-Staff EDGE products, which is one of the only solutions in the industry that allows staffing companies … Continued

Automated Business Designs Named One of the Nation’s Best and Brightest Companies to Work For® in 2020

By Jennifer Roeslmeier Mikels

September 17, 2020

Staffing and recruiting software provider wins distinguished national company culture award. CHICAGO, Illinois– Automated Business Designs (ABD), developers of Ultra-Staff EDGE staffing software, was named one of the Nation’s Best and Brightest Companies to Work For® in 2020. This distinguished honor is the fourth consecutive year that ABD has been recognized by the National Best … Continued

ABD Named One of Chicago’s Best and Brightest Companies to Work For in 2020

By Jennifer Roeslmeier Mikels

July 21, 2020

Staffing and recruiting software provider wins distinguished company culture award for 5th consecutive year. CHICAGO, Illinois– Automated Business Designs (ABD), developers of Ultra-Staff staffing software, was named one of Chicago’s Best and Brightest Companies to Work For® in 2020. This prestigious honor is the fifth consecutive year that ABD has been recognized by Chicago’s Best … Continued

As Recruiters You Help People Every Day. Let Us Help YOU

By Jennifer Roeslmeier Mikels

February 24, 2020

Let us help you make more success stories by placing more candidates and growing your business with Ultra-Staff EDGE staffing software.  As recruiters you help job seekers find jobs every day. You help them earn an income to support themselves and their families. You help them pay for life’s expenses and also help them go on vacation with … Continued

Automated Business Designs Acclaims their 3rd National Best and Brightest Companies to Work For® Award

By Jennifer Roeslmeier Mikels

February 18, 2020

Staffing and recruiting software provider wins distinguished national company culture award for 3rd consecutive year. CHICAGO, Illinois– Automated Business Designs (ABD), developers of Ultra-Staff staffing software, was named one of the Nation’s Best and Brightest Companies to Work For® in 2019. This prestigious honor is the third time that ABD has been recognized by the National … Continued

Staffing Software Provider, Automated Business Designs, Wins Support Department of the Year Award

By Jennifer Roeslmeier Mikels

December 10, 2019

 Developers of Ultra-Staff staffing software wins Bronze in the 9th Annual Best in Biz Awards for Support Department of the Year. CHICAGO, Illinois– Automated Business Designs (ABD), developers of Ultra-Staff staffing software, won Bronze in the 9th Annual Best in Biz Awards for Support Department of the Year. Best in Biz is the only independent business … Continued

In Two Years, Ultra-Staff EDGE has become one of the most respected Enterprise Class Staffing Software Solutions in the Industry.

By Jennifer Roeslmeier Mikels

September 24, 2019

Join Automated Business Designs in celebrating the two-year anniversary of Ultra-Staff EDGE! CHICAGO, Illinois– Automated Business Designs (ABD), developers of Ultra-Staff staffing software, is celebrating the two-year anniversary of their web-based front office software solution, Ultra-Staff EDGE!  ABD has funneled its 36 years of staffing industry experience and customer ideas into the solution.  In just two … Continued

New Call-Em-All Features Available in Ultra-Staff EDGE!

By Jennifer Roeslmeier Mikels

August 27, 2019

Texting candidates and clients has never been so easy. We are excited to introduce new Call-Em-All features now available in Ultra-Staff EDGE! Ultra-Staff EDGE‘s integration updates with Call-Em-All are so vast, it’s almost not even fair to call them mere “updates”. The teams at Ultra-Staff EDGE are proud to reveal an entirely new way of sending … Continued

Automated Business Designs Acclaims their 4th Chicago’s Best and Brightest Companies to Work For® Award

By Jennifer Roeslmeier Mikels

June 20, 2019

Staffing and recruiting software provider wins distinguished company culture award for 4th consecutive year. CHICAGO, Illinois– Automated Business Designs (ABD), developers of Ultra-Staff staffing and recruiting software, was named one of Chicago’s Best and Brightest Companies to Work For® in 2019. This prestigious honor is now the fourth time that ABD has been recognized by Chicago’s … Continued