There’s Gold In Them Hills

By Terri Roeslmeier

August 30, 2011

The California Gold Rush may have taken place way back in 1849 but you can create your very own “Gold Rush” today. If you have been working with a database to manage your prospects and customers there are surely some “gems” to be found. Often we forget that what we have been looking for is … Continued

Web Designing Trends of 2011


August 24, 2011

 This is a guest post by Conroy James, Expert Content Writer with expertise in Web Design, Ecommerce Web Design, Website Redesign, Custom Web Design, Bidding Website, Link Building and Social Media Content: The web design world has experienced many changes over the past few years. The trends of 2011 are inspirational and should definitely be … Continued

Software That’s Right For You!

By Terri Roeslmeier

August 19, 2011

I love birthdays!  I love birthdays so much that I celebrate monthly birthdays.  It’s a tradition my dad started when I was little.  Every month on the 22nd day of the month I celebrate a “Monthly Birthday”.  I used to think that everyone did.  Whenever I mention it to someone they look at me as … Continued

Tactical Economic Storm Survival

By Terri Roeslmeier

August 10, 2011

I had lunch with a friend of mine a couple of weeks ago.  There was a huge storm the night before with trees knocked down and a bunch of carpet carnage.  As I drove through the neighborhoods which modeled war zones, I figured that I should maybe give her a call to make sure everything … Continued

Life is What You Make It


August 4, 2011

Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “Life is what you make it.” People are given different privileges, opportunities and resources and at times this may seem unfair. But rather than fixate on life’s injustices, successful people make the conscious decision to leverage what they do have and keep an eye open for new opportunities. This philosophy can … Continued

Email Campaigns: Transforming Recipients into Relationships


August 3, 2011

This is a guest post by Sara Woods @ Coupon Croc: Marketing is a numbers game; there’s no doubt about it. You can work from before the sun rises until after the moon sets on building your list, but unless you build the right kind of numbers, your sales will never reach their full potential, … Continued

Business Tips from the Wealthy


July 28, 2011

This is a guest post is by Sera Filson, entrepreneur and professional student:  Whilst it might sound like a strange concept, there is the potential to garner numerous business lessons through studying Switzerland as a nation state. Perhaps the most intriguing feature of Switzerland is its ability to remain neutral under a whole range of differing … Continued

Increase Your Odds of Success

By Terri Roeslmeier

July 25, 2011

I was reading an interesting article about making your own luck. I found it compelling to read because I always thought that luck was a random thing. In the article the writer agreed that some events were uncontrollable such as a tornado blowing your house down and leaving your neighbor’s house intact.  But it was … Continued

Out to Impress!

By Terri Roeslmeier

July 22, 2011

“Make a good impression”.  How many times have we heard that commanding line?  The key word in the phrase is “make” as in you have complete control over this. What do all “impressive” companies have in common?  They differentiate themselves.  It’s great to say your company is different; but the only way you can truly … Continued

ABD Announces New OnBoarding Suite

By Terri Roeslmeier

July 12, 2011

Automated Business Design, Inc. has released OnBoarding Suite, a fully automated application process that is integrated with ABD’s signature staffing software Ultra-Staff. OnBoarding Suite redistributes the work load that is generally included within the process of hiring new employees, and allows for existing employees to uphold their individual records directly through the company’s website. The … Continued