Why Integrate Staffing Software With Social Media?


June 18, 2012

Are you debating on whether or not to incorporate social media with your staffing firm? Take a couple minutes to answer these short questions and learn about the benefits of what social media can do for you!

Should Staffing Firms Prepare for a Double Dip Recession? Hardly.


June 14, 2012

We are half way through 2012, and we have witnessed a turbulent market that is a far cry from conventional. The Euro Crisis, Middle East tensions and high oil prices, a possibility of the EU breaking up, soaring U.S. deficits: the economy is looking less than optimistic. You would think with all this chaos, it … Continued

Cold Calling 101: Tips for Staffing and Recruiting Professionals


June 6, 2012

For those of us who cold call, getting past the gatekeeper and reaching the decision maker is the first task. Gatekeepers are like security guards: it is their job is to protect the decision maker from your reach. How well you do in this regard is the key to your results.

Best Staffing Software: 5 Key Elements


May 30, 2012

Every company has different recruitment and staffing needs. However, there are key essentials that you should make sure your staffing software solution has. The 5 Key Elements to the Best Staffing Software:

Good News for Staffing Firms: Summer Hiring Up 29%


May 17, 2012

Looks like temperatures aren’t the only things that are rising this summer. CareerBuilder released their Annual Summer Job Forecast, which stated that 29% of employers are hiring this summer, an increase from 21% last year. Due to a combination of strong growth in manufacturing and increased consumer confidence in the market, summer hiring is booming.

Viral Marketing & LinkedIn®

By Terri Roeslmeier

May 9, 2012

“Viral Marketing” is a term used to describe techniques that use social media in order to increase brand awareness and various other marketing goals. Typically, this type of marketing will appeal to individuals that have high social networking potential. The key to this type of marketing is that “word will spread” by individuals communicating within … Continued

The iPad: The Secret Recruiting and Staffing Tool?


April 13, 2012

We are a quarter into 2012, and mobile recruiting is skyrocketing! Job seekers are becoming more technologically advanced. The old days of waiting around the telephone for recruiters and companies to call are now long gone. Social media has exploded. More than 1 in 3 US adults own a smartphone. Mobile tablets, like the iPad, … Continued

Why You Need to Upgrade Your Staffing and Recruiting Software System


April 2, 2012

Uh oh. Your staffing agency has reached the dreaded decision: Is it time to upgrade your staffing software solution? Of course, every business owner has a reason to stay with the older version. “Everybody knows the old system.” “Research and training will cut into our bottom line.” “We don’t want to deal with the cost … Continued

How to Use Pinterest for Staffing and Recruiting


March 22, 2012

Pinterest is the hot new social media site that has everyone up in frenzy. It is the fastest growing web site in 2012. The site reached 10 million unique monthly U.S. visitors faster than any other site. That is pretty amazing. In February, it has been recorded that Pinterest drove more traffic to online publishers … Continued

ABD Celebrates 30th Anniversary!


March 13, 2012

Automated Business Designs, Inc., developer of Ultra-Staff software, is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year.  Since 1982, ABD’s focus has been software exclusively designed for the staffing and recruiting industry. Ultra-Staff provides a completely integrated front office, back office, and web suite solution. Its trademark user interface and feature set is what makes Ultra-Staff a … Continued