Strategies to Make You a Staffing Industry Leader!

By Natalie Chrapla

January 12, 2015

Now that it’s well into 2015 I hope most of you are still sticking with your resolutions whatever they may be. I am sure many of you have read that the staffing industry is going through some changes. These changes will either make or break staffing firms. It is no longer an employer driven market, … Continued

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

By Natalie Chrapla

December 19, 2014

Did you ever notice how people seem to be a little more cheerful around the holidays?  It could be because this year the staffing industry did exceptionally well and the unemployment rate dropped to 6.1%, according to the American Staffing Association. With this great news, the staffing industry has plenty of reason to celebrate — … Continued

Is Your Staffing Software a Stranger?

By Natalie Chrapla

December 12, 2014

We are almost halfway through December and some of you are super busy and getting ready for the New Year, while others may be the opposite and all caught up. If your staffing firm is a little quieter than usual maybe you should take advantage of it. I don’t mean cleaning your desk and filing. … Continued

Jump Start 2015 with your Staffing Software

By Natalie Chrapla

November 20, 2014

I can’t believe 2014 is almost over! This year has gone by way too fast if you ask me. By now, you are probably finalizing the last of your budgets and already thinking about 2015. On January 1st everyone has defined new goals that they want to achieve for the New Year, whether it be … Continued

Why we love Halloween at our office and you should too!

By Natalie Chrapla

October 28, 2014

Halloween can be celebrated in many different ways. Some enjoy watching scary movies and attending haunted houses, while others enjoy going to Halloween costume parties, or even spending time with their little ones going trick-or-treating. What about celebrating Halloween at the workplace?

How to Solve the Biggest Challenges with Recruiting…

By Natalie Chrapla

October 14, 2014

As many of you know the staffing and recruiting industry has grown rapidly. According to the American Staffing Association (ASA), staffing firms have created 19,700 new positions in September alone and the unemployment rate has dropped to 5.9%.

Staffing Company Helps Cancer Patients with CureSade Run/Walk

By Natalie Chrapla

September 22, 2014

There is nothing more rewarding than being involved in a project for a good cause! Automated Business Designs has been involved with the Northwest Community Hospital Cancer Patient Assistance Fund for the past three years. It was Patty Casey, owner of Arlington Resources,

“Picturing Success: Elevate Your Staffing Firm With Data Visualizations”

By Mike Roeslmeier

August 26, 2014

Are you experiencing “big data” overload? Researchers have found that 90% of the world’s data has been generated since 2011. Where is all of this data coming from? Cell phone records, credit card transactions, and internet and television viewing habits are just a few examples. It is estimated that the volume of business data worldwide … Continued

The Power of a Client User Meeting

By Natalie Chrapla

August 19, 2014

It’s been over a week since ABD’s 2014 client meeting. With all the prepping for the event I can’t believe it’s already over. The meeting was a huge success with all of the wonderful presentations and a fantastic turnout!