How To Get the Most Out of Temp Staffing Software


August 1, 2012 defines automation as the technique, method, or system of operating or controlling a process by highly automatic means, as by electronic devices, reducing human intervention to a minimum. Now we all know that in staffing there is no way the human factor can be completely eliminated, nor do we want that. But incorporating staffing software automation into your … Continued

How to Choose the Best Staffing Software for Your Staffing Agency


July 26, 2012

Purchasing any type of enterprise software is not an easy task. It involves detailed planning, an abundance of research, comparisons, critiques, etc. The staffing and recruiting industry a complex, ever changing field, and the software you select is a crucial component that contributes to your company’s success. So how do you decide what type of … Continued

Why Is Staffing Software Training Important?


July 2, 2012

The question of why staffing software training is important is a simple yet vital one that all business owners must understand. Now a days the most complex process can by compacted into a few clicks of a mouse. The technology supporting software has expanded to not only affect the lives of the most tech savvy … Continued

Social Recruiting: What Not To Do In Social Media Recruiting


June 28, 2012

Using social media for recruiting candidates is becoming a mainstream strategy among staffing and recruiting agencies. 60% of recruiting companies predict social recruiting to be the next evolution in recruiting strategies. If you are incorporating social recruiting – and have absolutely no results – you may want to look at your efforts in a new light. There … Continued

Cold Calling 101: Tips for Staffing and Recruiting Professionals


June 6, 2012

For those of us who cold call, getting past the gatekeeper and reaching the decision maker is the first task. Gatekeepers are like security guards: it is their job is to protect the decision maker from your reach. How well you do in this regard is the key to your results.

Best Staffing Software: 5 Key Elements


May 30, 2012

Every company has different recruitment and staffing needs. However, there are key essentials that you should make sure your staffing software solution has. The 5 Key Elements to the Best Staffing Software:

Why You Need to Upgrade Your Staffing and Recruiting Software System


April 2, 2012

Uh oh. Your staffing agency has reached the dreaded decision: Is it time to upgrade your staffing software solution? Of course, every business owner has a reason to stay with the older version. “Everybody knows the old system.” “Research and training will cut into our bottom line.” “We don’t want to deal with the cost … Continued

Staffing Merger and Acquisition Data Conversions

By Terri Roeslmeier

March 6, 2012

Remember getting “brand new shoes” when you were a kid but you couldn’t wear them until your parent gave you the green light? Sometimes you had to wait until school started and other times they were bought for that “special occasion” that took forever to come. The excitement would build up right up until the … Continued

5 Ways Staffing Software Reduces Manual Labor and Boosts Performance


March 2, 2012

Many recruiting and staffing agencies suffer from one common problem: an absence of an integrated staffing software platform. Recruiters spend their days hindered in administrative busy-work, navigating though redundant practices, and digging through mountains of paperwork. The result? The focus on clients’ needs is slashed. Recruiters spend more time sorting and organizing, and have less … Continued

CRM Recruiting: 4 Ways to Maximize Results


February 24, 2012

CRM recruiting is a cost effective, popular recruiting technique that better facilitates hires by combining relationship building and active outreach to nurture new leads as well as maintain loyal applicants already in your database. It’s vital for today’s leading staffing companies to proactively market and continuously connect with potential candidates, especially with the slow, but … Continued