Tactical Economic Storm Survival

By Terri Roeslmeier

August 10, 2011

I had lunch with a friend of mine a couple of weeks ago.  There was a huge storm the night before with trees knocked down and a bunch of carpet carnage.  As I drove through the neighborhoods which modeled war zones, I figured that I should maybe give her a call to make sure everything … Continued

Increase Your Odds of Success

By Terri Roeslmeier

July 25, 2011

I was reading an interesting article about making your own luck. I found it compelling to read because I always thought that luck was a random thing. In the article the writer agreed that some events were uncontrollable such as a tornado blowing your house down and leaving your neighbor’s house intact.  But it was … Continued

Out to Impress!

By Terri Roeslmeier

July 22, 2011

“Make a good impression”.  How many times have we heard that commanding line?  The key word in the phrase is “make” as in you have complete control over this. What do all “impressive” companies have in common?  They differentiate themselves.  It’s great to say your company is different; but the only way you can truly … Continued

ABD Announces New OnBoarding Suite

By Terri Roeslmeier

July 12, 2011

Automated Business Design, Inc. has released OnBoarding Suite, a fully automated application process that is integrated with ABD’s signature staffing software Ultra-Staff. OnBoarding Suite redistributes the work load that is generally included within the process of hiring new employees, and allows for existing employees to uphold their individual records directly through the company’s website. The … Continued

How Automation Can Make You Money

By Terri Roeslmeier

July 8, 2011

 Everyone is automated.  The other day I ran across “Giggles®” software for babies.  Kids that can barely speak are keyboard and mouse savvy.  Grandparents are storing recipes, emailing and setting up Facebook® pages. Books are being read on screens.  Newspapers encourage you to read their “on-line edition”.  Offices are completely unable to function without email.  … Continued

The Digital Workplace

By Terri Roeslmeier

July 8, 2011

Staffing and recruiting professionals manage processes and interact with candidates and clients using electronic commerce.  Whether Internet marketing, using e-mail or transferring funds into candidate accounts through direct deposit, you are using electronic commerce.  This encompasses a wide range of technologies such as the “World Wide Web”, mobile devices and yes, even phones.  But how … Continued

The Technology Blizzard

By Terri Roeslmeier

March 7, 2011

Greater than 60,000 undergraduate students from over 400 universities nationwide choose Chicago as one of the top cities in which to work. Chicago has major employers and the city offers a variety of solid career choices. Chicago has a large and diversified economy which equates to 4.3 million employees and a GRP of over 480 … Continued

The 7 Wonders of Marketing

By Terri Roeslmeier

January 5, 2011

staffdigest published a 2011 Business Planning Guide in September 2010. They publish one every year. It’s geared toward readers with more than one branch (profit center). This wonderful guide takes the reader through a detailed process in order to develop a business plan. I try to let my customers know about it when it comes … Continued

Candidate Onboarding is Hot

By Terri Roeslmeier

November 22, 2010

The topic of interest at your next cocktail party may be, “So what are you doing about Onboarding candidates?” What will you respond? Onboarding is the process of integrating new employees into your organization. The process generally begins with a job application and perhaps a resume. Complete Onboarding, however, is a harmonious flow of activities … Continued

Managing Unemployment Claims

By Terri Roeslmeier

September 15, 2010

Have you been using your staffing software to document and manage unemployment claims? Utilizing your software tools to the fullest extent to handle this issue can save you quite a bit of time and money. It all starts with documentation of applicants that have filed for unemployment. Most staffing systems will allow you to set … Continued