Eureka!!!! Our Staffing Software Can Do That?

By Terri Roeslmeier

May 24, 2017

Archimedes, a Greek mathematician and inventor who lived way back in BC shouted “Eureka!” when he realized how to estimate the volume of a given mass.  Eureka, in simpler terms, means “I have found it.” On the more contemporary side, education can provide some rather clarifying thoughts which may lead to a similar epiphany.  Knowledge … Continued

The Next Level of Staffing Software

By Terri Roeslmeier

May 1, 2017

Staffing and recruiting software has been around for a while. The industry has seen staffing software go from a simple search and match tool to a robust model that helps run the entire business. Staffing professionals are easily creating candidate profiles with automatic resume import, and software seamlessly integrates with 3rd party components such as … Continued

March Madness = Workplace Gladness

By Terri Roeslmeier

March 27, 2017

What’s March Madness?  March Madness determines the college basketball champion of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). It takes place during the 2nd week of March through the 1st week in April. I have been running a March Madness Bracket Challenge at our company since 2002. That’s a long time! We allow immediate family members … Continued

7 Ways to Screw Up Your New Staffing Software

By Terri Roeslmeier

March 6, 2017

Planning new staffing software? You will want to avoid these 7 ways to mismanage the process. These ways to mismanage the process will help you understand what you should be doing instead.

4 Ways Cloud Staffing Software Saves Your Time, Money, & Placements

By Terri Roeslmeier

February 13, 2017

Cloud computing has transformed the way business is done. At least 95% of enterprises are using some form of cloud services (typically a combination of cloud platforms, storage, or applications), and as the internet continues to improve in terms of speed and connectivity, it’s likely that this number will continue to grow, even more so … Continued

How Candidate Response Rates Rise with the Right Staffing Software

By Terri Roeslmeier

January 10, 2017

For some staffing firms, good candidate response rates resemble MLB batting averages. If a recruiter gets a 25% response rate from passive candidates, it’s presumed that person surpasses most of the competition. However, since 6% of recruiters consistently get response rates of 50% or better, there are clearly ways to use strategy and smarts to … Continued

3 Tips to Better Manage Multiple Candidates

By Terri Roeslmeier

December 6, 2016

When high quality talent is scarce, finding several qualified candidates for one job opening is like hitting the Mega Millions jackpot. Yet even when you are lucky enough to find several compatible IT professionals for one role, that luck presents its own challenges. Hiring processes run longer and candidate falloffs increase. However, recruiters can bypass … Continued

How to Speed up Pre-Employment Background Checks and Secure Top Talent

By Terri Roeslmeier

November 30, 2016

Recruiters are in a tough position when vetting applicants. Time is of the essence with the current feeding frenzy for high quality candidates, yet careful examination still needs to be practiced. The challenge of blending speed, accuracy, and legal compliance into pre-employment background checks will always be part of the difficulty. Though working with background … Continued

What the New Federal Overtime Law Means for Staffing Firms

By Terri Roeslmeier

October 24, 2016

Federal legislation by its nature enacts vast change and the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is no exception. Any law that redefines overtime exemptions and extends overtime to 4.2 million workers will have a potent effect on countless businesses. Yet the new federal overtime law will impact the staffing industry in more equivocal ways, providing … Continued

Lower Candidate Fall Off Rates in 3 Simple Steps

By Terri Roeslmeier

October 3, 2016

Candidate fall offs are beyond frustrating. You stake your reputation on the talents and commitment of a prospect, only to be burned when that person cuts and runs on an employment contract. Eliminating every such instance is impossible, but measures exist to lower candidate fall off rates. When fill rates are suffering, considering these three … Continued