Let’s Talk Resumes

By Terri Roeslmeier

June 18, 2010

Everything pretty much starts with a resume. Even if a physical resume is not received some type of resume profile must be put together before an applicant can be placed. There are many different options to consider in the process of getting resumes entered into your staffing and recruiting database. A very basic option is … Continued

No Rest for the Weary

By Terri Roeslmeier

June 15, 2010

It’s true that the economy has loosened up a bit and most staffing and direct hire companies are not feeling quite as tightly squeezed as earlier in the year. As the atmosphere improves, however, be watchful of going back to old bad habits. There are always bright signs to a bad economy. We realize who … Continued

Keep Up With Internet Savvy Clients and Candidates

By Terri Roeslmeier

May 20, 2010

In speaking with some college grads you may hear, “Let me follow your Twitter® for a while so I can see what types of jobs you offer”. When that happens does a “thinking cloud” appear above your head that says, “Follow me on Twitter®? I don’t post jobs on Twitter®! What do I say?” How … Continued

Make Every Minute Count!

By Terri Roeslmeier

March 20, 2010

Everyone is “recessioned out”, but efficiency will put time and money back on your side. Put a plan into place that will help you regain control of time. First, it is important for everyone on your team to know your product. That means really know your product. It is said that 80% of business success … Continued

The Ultimate Time to Recruit

By Terri Roeslmeier

January 11, 2010

Recruiting seems a little silly at this time. If there is one thing there is no shortage of is applicants. However, this is a crucial element that cannot be overlooked. All signs point to an improving economy and when the bubble bursts, employers will be scrambling for high quality candidates. Because there are so many … Continued

The Social Networking Explosion

By Terri Roeslmeier

November 29, 2009

It is reported that Facebook® has over 300 million active users, 50% of which log on to Facebook® on any given day. The fastest growing demographic is those 35 years and older. Millions of people use Twitter® to connect with others which promotes itself as a “simple way to connect with people”. LinkedIn® has over … Continued

Software Features That Make You Money!

By Terri Roeslmeier

October 10, 2009

Sometimes we get so accustomed to using software that we forget that the reason we got it in the first place was to make our companies more profitable. Software can do this by increasing production, decreasing hard costs and providing more customer service tools for the people that we do business with. The only caveat … Continued

One Particular Monday…

By Terri Roeslmeier

September 10, 2009

“I like to be the first to get to the office, especially on Mondays. Before the week gets crazy, I have an opportunity to get all of my planning done for the week. On one particular Monday something seemed a bit strange when I opened the office door. It seemed especially quiet, even though it … Continued

How Recession-Proof Is Your Firm?

By Terri Roeslmeier

July 1, 2009

A recession is clearly not something that rolls around that often. Be that as it may, firms that plan on being in business for many years need to plan for it. Usually, firms do not plan on something like this happening unless they have experienced the attrition that a typical recession generates. Although a recession … Continued


By Terri Roeslmeier

May 4, 2009

By now, I am sure you’ve seen enough articles and have heard plenty of news reports about the “recovery”. It’s been a very significant subject for the past several months. Although it has gotten a bit old, it still has a nice sound to it because it represents renewed growth and hope for the future. … Continued